woensdag 9 oktober 2013

Free coaching and supervision salon: Senior leadership teams

Intact Academy invites you to our next coaching and supervision salon.

During this salon you will be able to:
• Learn about a state of the art concept in leadership, organizational change and coaching
• Get supervision and coaching on your questions
• Experience the work of a local artist while networking with your colleagues
Join us for the next Salon on October 30, 2013 18:00 to 20:30 and DO NOT FORGET TO WEAR COSTUMES, IT’S HALLOWEEN. :-)

Theme of the salon: Senior leadership teams
The demands on CEO’s are rapidly outdistancing the capabilities of any single person, no matter how talented, to deal with changes in the market today. The era of the "great leader" is over. Creating a senior leadership team is the only way to remain agile in a turbulent environment.
Senior leadership teams provide a rich pool of knowledge, talent and creativity for making enterprise wide decisions
A team approach will help you transcend the silo mentality and help manage the cross functional decisions necessary to create speed, scope and customer intimacy. In this salon we'll talk about what it takes to create a senior leadership team. As it's family night we will form teams of adults and children to see how well you work as a team!

Location: Intact 1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 28.
Cost: Admission is free.

Intact kindly requests you to RSVP with the number in your party attending, names of those attending, company name, and contact info.


Invite in PDF: