donderdag 14 maart 2013


Sari van Poelje, director of the Intact Academy, invites you to our new Introduction to Transactional analysis training.

Transactional analysis (TA) is a practical theory of personality, communication and change. It is a powerful tool for professional and personal growth. The goal of transactional analysis is to increase awareness, spontaneity and the capacity for relationship.
This workshop is for anyone who is interested in expanding his or her insight into human behavior and change.
Through short presentations, exercises and sharing of personal and professional experiences we will enable you to create possibilities in your life, relationships and your organization.

During the workshop you will learn about:
• Development of TA and TA values
• Structural analysis: who I am and how I developed
• Transactional analysis proper: being effective in communication
• Rackets and games: miscommunication and getting out of games
• Script analysis: rewriting your life stories
• Recognition as a motor for change

Details here:

maandag 11 maart 2013

Hero's Journey on 27th of March

Giving a clients day presentation at Randstad about Hero's Journey on the 27th of March (by invitation only)

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Successful negotiation

- When do you fight, cooperate, negotiate?

Successful negotiation depends on your ability to represent your own interests while dealing with mutual dependency to get the best result for you.

Join us for our next free Salon on March 27, 2013 18:00 to 20:30. In this salon you will learn how to influence the five factors which makes for successful negotiations:
- influencing the contents
- influencing the atmosphere
- influencing the power balance
- influencing the grass roots
- influencing the procedures

Click here for the Invite