dinsdag 22 januari 2013

Invite to the second free Salon of the Intact Coaching Academy, on February the 20th, 2013.

Intact Academy, invites you to our new coaching and supervision salons. 

During these salons you will be able to:
• Learn about a state of the art concept in leadership, organizational change and coaching
• Get supervision and coaching on your questions
• Experience the work of a local artist and musicians while networking with your colleagues

Join us for the next Salon on February 20, 2013 18:00 PM to 20:30 PM

Theme of the salon: The Hero’s Journey: script and myth
We are much more the sum of our stories, than the sum of the events in our lives. The hero’s journey is a way to give meaning to the things that happened to us on our life's journey, and to rewrite our stories so that they empower us. You will explore your own life story and visualize your next step on your hero’s journey.

Location: Intact 1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 28.
Cost: Admission is free.  
Language: English with Hungarian translation

Intact kindly requests you to RSVP to info.intact@gmail.com with the number in your party attending, names of those attending, company name, and contact info.

Intact also regularly gives open workshops (see www.intact1.com). The next open workshops are:
• 19-20 February 2013 - Transgenerational scripts; Gloria Noriega (Phd, Mexico)
• 25-26 February 2013 – Changing organizational culture; Mathias Sell (Germany)
• 27-28 February 2013 – Masterclass relational coaching; Helen Rowland (United Kingdom)


3 opmerkingen:

  1. In preparation of the Salon: Think of you last project (personal or professional): what were your hopes and fears before you started it?

  2. In preparation of the Salon: How do you deal with power & leadership?

  3. In preparation of the Salon: What has your latest ordeal taught you?
