woensdag 13 november 2013


Sari van Poelje, director of the Intact Academy, invites you to a workshop with Dr. Gloria Noriega. She will give a workshop about Redecision Therapy on 21, 22 and 23 February 2014 in Budapest.

Objectives: At the end of the workshop the participants will be able to identify their early decisions and injunctions taken in childhood in order to make changes in their script through the live experience of Redecision Therapy.
Description: Redecision therapy is a powerful school of psychotherapy created by Bob and Mary Goulding integrating Gestalt Therapy and Transactional Analysis. It works better when applied in groups and can be used as a brief therapy technique or as part of a longer in deep psychotherapy. The philosophy of Redecision Therapy supports two major goals: 1) to release the power in the patient and 2) the use of humor to have fun through the process of change.
Your trainer: Dr. Gloria Noriega is the founder and director of the Instituto Mexicano de Análisis Transaccional (IMAT) in México City. She works at IMAT and at other institutes in Europe and Latin America doing training and supervision for psychotherapist, from more than 30 years ago.
She is a past president of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) and the Eric Berne Award Winner in 2008.
Gloria has a Master degree in Clinical Psychology and a Doctorate in Science. She is also a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst with specialization in Psychotherapy.
Gloria is the author of books, chapters and articles focused on clinical psychology and an expert in transactional analysis.

Outline for a successful redecision:
·         Contact: forming and alliance with the client.
·         Contract: co-constructing with the client the focus or goal of treatment in a way that can be specified and achieved.
·         Emphasize client´s power and responsibility by confronting their efforts to disown autonomy.
·         Rackets and psychosomatic problems.
·         Chronic games, belief systems and fantasies.
·         Childhood early decisions.
·         Impasse resolution.
·         Maintaining the victory.

Date: Join us for the workshop from February 21sr to 23rd, 2014 9:00 to 17:00.
Location: The event will be held at the Intact institute in Budapest, Benczúr u. 28, 1068 Budapest.
Cost: Price for the workshop is Euro 500 for alumni and Euro 600 for non alumni, excluding accommodation and travel.
Language:English with Hungarian translation.
Contact & Register: For registration or if you want more information please call Liz Frommer at +36 30 314 34 71 or write an email to liz@intact1.com.
We want to remind you that Intact also regularly gives open workshops (see www.intact1.com).

Invite in PDF:

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